Bhagavad Gita

  1. Ways in which I feel like Arjuna are the times when I don’t feel obligated to go to volleyball practice. There are days where I am exhausted and do not feel like giving my best and trying at all. This is similar to Arjuna when he did not feel obligated to fight in the battle, but then realized it is his duty to fight. Similar to Arjuna, I realized I made a commitment to my team and I owed them the effort they were willing to give to me.
  2.  I can apply the Bhagavad Gita to my everyday life by fulfilling my duties such as giving effort in practice, working out, and eating healthy, I will live a much simpler and happier life. I will also be more receptive to death.
  3. In ancient India, their views differ from Americans about carrying out your duties. Rather than being rewarded during life, believed by Americans, Indians believe they are rewarded an afterlife rather than being reincarnated.
  4. This could be used as a tool of oppression by a ruler using another person’s duty as a way to make them act unlawful in service of the ruler.

Feng Shui

I decided to Feng Shui my bedroom. Beforehand, my room was very messy by having clothes on my floor, my bed unmade, and clutter everywhere. After cleaning, Chi is now capable to move throughout my room freely, allowing a more positive effect on my surroundings. My bed represents wood by the rectangular shape it displays. The purple in my sheets represents passion and emotion. My white walls symbolize strength and independence. These are 2 elements that I value a lot.  Relating my room to Bagua, it honors love and self-esteem. I love the look of my room now because of the openness and color scheme, which creates a positive energy throughout my room.


The Taoist Walk

The most powerful sensation that I felt on the walk was the cool breeze hitting my skin. For it being my first time walking that path, the first impression I got was how much relaxation I received from walking down it and the beautiful scenery that came with it. I heard leaves crinkling below me, birds singing above, and trees blowing swiftly. The odor in the air was repulsive, smelling like waste. I was thinking about how lucky we are to have nature and that we should cherish what there is left of it. This experience can be compared to Taoism by nature walks being beneficial to your health and creating an active life.